By Veitengruber Law
January 10, 2025
The holidays are a time of giving but can also be a time of escalating financial stress. Gifts, food for gatherings, travel expenses, decorations—it all adds up. Most consumers will use credit cards to cover at least some of these extraordinary costs. For many, creating the magic of the season can result in unmanageable debt. In a year of increased inflation and financial strife, this reality is bound to impact more folks than normal. If you are already regretting your financial decisions around the holidays, you have options. It's important to act quickly as ignoring this debt can cause further financial strain and potential long-term consequences. Veitengruber Law is a bankruptcy and debt negotiation law firm in Monmouth County. We help individuals and families struggling with holiday debt every year. The solutions we offer are always tailored to the specific needs of our clients. We know there are many solutions to dealing with overwhelming debt, and each debt management plan will look different. Here are some options to explore if your December spending has overwhelmed your budget: 1. Debt Negotiation If you find yourself juggling payments the entire month of December and beyond to afford holiday spending, it may be time to consider debt relief. Veitengruber Law offers a comprehensive approach to debt relief that considers the entire financial picture in order to provide the most effective debt relief strategy. We can help you determine which debts are causing the most financial stress and offer solutions for tackling those issues. Here are a few of those solutions: Negotiating with lenders: At Veitengruber Law, we understand how creditors and lenders operate. Through this insight, we can better negotiate with your lenders to agree to new terms on your debt. Most individuals are surprised that negotiating with creditors and lenders is an option. Many credit card companies would rather negotiate with cardholders and get some return on their investment. It costs these companies a lot of time, money, and effort to go through the collections process. Negotiating for better terms, a different payment plan, or even to settle your debt is a great way to finally squash unmanageable debt. You may even qualify for a hardship agreement that would allow you to lessen or defer payments depending on your circumstances. Debt consolidation: If you are struggling to pay back multiple sources of debt, consolidation may help you move high-interest credit card debts to one loan with a more reasonable interest rate. Consolidation can significantly reduce your monthly payments and the total amount of interest you pay over time. Consolidating debt can also help by providing a single monthly payment to focus on instead of multiple high-interest payments a month, making it easier to manage your finances and keep an eye on your debt. Loan modification: Changing the terms on loans for secured debts—like your home or car—can also shift your budget to allow you to put more money into paying down debts. If your mortgage is a huge aspect of your financial struggles, securing a loan modification agreement can remove some of the burden from a strained budget. Negotiating a lower interest rate or a lower monthly payment, extending the repayment period, reducing the principal owed, or even changing from an adjustable rate to a fixed rate can improve the terms in your favor. Many debt relief options are available, and Veitengruber Law can help you find the one that is right for you. 2. Bankruptcy We know—bankruptcy may seem like overkill for some holiday spending. But the truth is that if you put all or most of your holiday spending on credit cards, there are likely some more significant issues at work in your budget. Maybe you've lost income or employment, maybe you are dealing with costly medical problems, or maybe you got hit with significant home repairs during your holiday spending. Regardless of the reason, holiday spending can exacerbate existing financial issues. Often, the credit card bill received after the holidays is the final straw for individuals who have been considering a big financial change for a while. If this sounds like you, bankruptcy may be the best option for dealing with all of your debt, not just the debt you accumulated over the holidays. What kind of bankruptcy you file can be tricky when considering holiday spending. For individuals filing for bankruptcy, your options are typically to file either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Bankruptcy laws dictate that any spending on "luxury" items or services in the 90 days before filing for bankruptcy cannot be discharged. Luxury goods include gifts. You also cannot discharge cash advances within 70 days of filing. This means that if you file in January, February, or March, you likely will not be able to discharge any debt accumulated around the holidays under Chapter 7 bankruptcy. While every individual's financial circumstances are different, if you are looking to get rid of holiday spending debts, Chapter 13 is likely the best option for you. If you went over budget or experienced financial hardship while dealing with end-of-year debt, Chapter 13 can help you pay back this debt in a way that works for your financial situation. By re-organizing the debt under Chapter 13, you can spread out more realistic payments over three or five years, making it more affordable under your budget. This can be a great way to restructure your financial life in a way that reduces stress and sets you on the path to a brighter future. 3. Credit Repair When your debt is out of control, your credit score will drop. How far it drops depends on how much debt you have and how you reduce that debt. Whether you are watching your score decrease due to immense debt or dealing with a low score in the aftermath of bankruptcy or debt relief, we can help. Our holistic approach to debt relief includes helping you improve your credit score in the wake of unmanageable debt. Your credit score is your financial power. With a poor score, you lose out on financial opportunities. We aim to help you become a stronger consumer so you can access these financial opportunities, empowering you to take control of your financial future. We offer individualized counseling to help you improve your credit score, clear your credit report, and bounce back from financial difficulties with more knowledge and financial empowerment. We will offer a step-by-step plan to help you repair and rebuild your credit score. If holiday spending has tanked your credit score, we can help you find a plan to dig out of that debt and get your score back to where it was. Financial stability is a common New Year's resolution, and it's a goal that is within reach. Veitengruber Law can help you assess your situation and formulate a plan to get you on a path to financial health in 2025. We offer individualized and appropriate solutions to tackle your debt worries, giving you hope for a brighter financial future. Being proactive about your debt at the beginning of the year will help you end next year on better financial footing.