Debt Negotiation FAQ

Debt Negotiation Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is debt negotiation?

    Debt negotiation is the process of negotiating with creditors to reduce the amount owed or to establish a payment plan that is more manageable for the debtor.

  • Is debt negotiation legal in New Jersey?

    Yes, debt negotiation is legal in New Jersey.

  • What types of debts can be negotiated?

    Most unsecured debts can be negotiated, including credit card debt, medical bills, personal loans, and some tax debts.

  • Can I negotiate my debts on my own?

    Yes, you can negotiate your debts on your own, but it may be helpful to work with a debt negotiation company or a debt negotiation attorney to ensure that you are getting the best possible deal.

  • How does debt negotiation affect my credit score?

    Debt negotiation can have a negative impact on your credit score, but the impact is usually less severe than filing for bankruptcy or defaulting on your debts.

  • How long does debt negotiation take?

    The length of time it takes to negotiate your debts depends on various factors, including the amount of debt you owe, the number of creditors you have, and your ability to make payments.

  • Can I be sued while negotiating my debts?

    Yes, you can be sued while negotiating your debts, but working with a debt negotiation company or attorney can help minimize the risk of legal action.

Find out more about our comprehensive approach to resolving debt problems can benefit you, email us or call (732) 695-3303. We have offices in Metuchen, Middlesex County, and Bordentown, Burlington County, by appointment only. Our Main office in Monmouth County is in Wall, NJ, and is open 9-5 Monday through Friday.

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